Ideas come. Ideas go… but I like to work hard to make them real. I am now working in the following projects:
Active Projects
- uuebCast: A site to create a personal Podcast channel from youtube videos.
Python Web Development
Boti: A personal Slack assistant that can check for NFL games on TV and provide information of airing dates and channels.
- Fornite Versus: A search engine site to check and compare player stats and store items. The project was selected by Github as Arctic Code Vault Contributor: Oliver contributed code to 1 repository in the 2020 GitHub Archive Program.
Mac Development
- Calls on your mac: easily create telcos and make calls with your iPhone the way you would want it to work. Also a favorite and and contacts manager.
- Oliver Barreto Personal Website: site created and maintained with Jekyll and Github Pages.
Raspberry Pi Home Server
- Raspberry Pi as Home Server based on docker, flask and NginX.
iOS Development
Fast Favs: an easy to manage app to handle groups of contacts in the iphone. This was my first attempt to create a good UX for interacting with favorite contacts in the iPhone. -
Basket Lovers: yet (not) another score tracking app for basketball games. The app was intentionally created to follow players improvement in a basketball team, where parents fed data
- Simon Says: a very simple Simon Says implementation.
- TrasTras Game: a very simple Pokemon game in which you catch pokemons on the screen with a poke-ball
- PomodoroS: A never finnished project to create a Pomodoro methodology based app with a clean a simple UI. Then Flow App came to my life, which I strongly recommend to keep you laser-focused.
Mac Development
- Dark mode enabler: A very simple menu bar app that allowed to toggle the system to dark mode back in the days of macOS Yosemite OSX 10.10.
- Dierct Dialer: A first attempt to create a more integrated, yet ugly, UI for launching calls from the Mac in my iPhone in Yosemite OSX 10.10 with the new Continuity API.
- Unelco Basketball Team Website: Website of the Basketball Club
Web Development: Ruby on Rails
Fridge Notes App: (My First Ruby on Rails Cloud based Heroku web app). MVP made with Ruby on Rails. This was the beggining of Cloud based apps development.
tKiero: A project to identify and share items I what for me or my kids birthday. Another MVP made with Ruby on Rails.
Python Development
Enigma Project: my own version of famous Enigma ecnryption Machine
Compiler: a basic compiler in Python to remind me of Good ‘Ol Days of Computer Science Lab in Teleco, back in 1993.
Arduino & Rasperry Pi
- Breathing Ligths Cubes (with future interaction with Bluetooth iOS App)
Want to join?
These are my projects but I find it interesting to find the right people to work with and build something even cooler. Contact me