Oliver Barreto
by Oliver Barreto


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ZSH Plugins that will make your life easier (if you remember)

Want to work faster with your finder and terminal folders, then remember this. image-right Remember this terminal shortcuts to work faster with your finder and terminal folders.

First, you must use ZSH Plugins, and have ‘macos’ plugin installed. In my case i have an alias to open zsh configuration called, guess what ?: ‘zshconfig’

Then add:


Which enable your best new friends in town:

  • ofd to Open the current directory in a Finder window
  • pfd to Return the path of the frontmost Finder window
  • pfs to Return the current Finder selection

And finally, my favorite…

  • cdf to cd to the current Finder directory

Read more options in the docs: https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/tree/master/plugins/macos